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Four Ways Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems Protect Australia's Financial Sector from Data Loss

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Australia’s financial sector is heavily reliant on data, with critical transactions happening round the clock. This dependence on data makes the industry susceptible to power-related data loss. Uninterruptible power supply systems serve as a robust solution to the unique data loss challenges faced by the financial sector. Here’s how:  1. Safeguarding Against Data Disruptions During Market Fluctuations In Australia, financial data traffic experiences significant surges during periods of market fluctuations. A power interruption at these times can lead to disrupted data flow and potentially cause massive monetary losses. Read More»

3 Sizing Tips to Keep In Mind When Choosing Your Communication Racks

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One of the most important factors you’ll need to consider when choosing communication racks is size. From height to width to depth, here are three key tips to keep in mind. Add extra depth Your communication rack needs to be deep enough to house your equipment safely. In general, this means you’ll want the entire unit to fit on the rack without hanging over the edge. Any overhang can leave your equipment unstable, and it may only take one jolt or jostle to knock your expensive units over the edge. Read More»

Top Things to Buy When Implementing HDMI Over Cat6 for Your Media Room

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When you were initially handling the planning stages for your media room, you might have initially decided that you were going to use HDMI cables to hook everything up. After doing a little bit more research, however, you might have found that using HDMI over Cat6 was a good idea. This is a good way to improve picture and audio quality, and it can help you keep your costs down when you’re setting up your media room, too. Read More»

Fibre Optic Cabling: Four Fundamental Precautions for Using Patch Leads

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Patch leads are essential components in fibre optic setups. These components are designed to connect end devices like computers to cabled networks. If you are planning on installing new patch leads in your building, you should choose professional gear placement. This approach will minimise the risk of common transmission problems such as failed, slow and inaccurate data transmissions. However, if you know fibre optic cabling, you can choose an in-house installation. Read More»

4 Things to Consider When Setting up Your Server Racks

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Eventually, a successful small to medium business needs to consider setting up its own IT server room. But, for first-timers, the setting-up process can be a daunting one. That’s why it can be massively helpful if you plan ahead when choosing a room to house your servers and their equipment in. Doing this can save you many headaches down the road. If you are about to invest in some server racks so you can house your servers in a room on your business premises, consider the following four factors before you begin. Read More»

Do You Need to Find a New Component Supplier?

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If you are involved in manufacturing work, then you will know how reliant your business is on technology. Whether it is a light-guided assembly for PCB circuit boards, coil winding machinery, a wave solder machine, or CNC laser cutting, technology is at the heart of your factory operations. Sadly, while most modern machinery is highly reliable, there can still be times when it can let you down. When your factory equipment fails, it is imperative that you are able to identify the problem and return the equipment to service at the earliest opportunity. Read More»